Dark and Darker: Fighters take up a lot of the conversation

Fighters take up a lot of the conversation, but what about the mechanics of armor for the other seven classes?

Consider the case of a Ranger donning full blue leather armor, resulting in an armor value of approximately 120, translating to roughly 20% damage reduction.

Now, if we trade out certain pieces for the lightest cloth armor available to boost movement speed, the armor drops to 70, which equates to about 15% damage reduction.

This means that against a 66 damage attack, such as a falchion headshot, incorporating that additional armor could grant you an extra hit of survival if your Health hovers between 107 and 110. Remarkable, isn’t it?

This situation is frustratingly absurd. It’s illogical for a Wizard in cloth armor with 60 armor and a Ranger with twice that to suffer nearly identical damage levels. The disparity is glaring.

If Fighters can effortlessly achieve 75% reduction, significantly prolonging their time to eliminate opponents, then there’s no reason why individuals clad in full leather armor shouldn’t enjoy a 40-50% reduction.

Moreover, a positive side effect of substantial damage reduction across the board is that skills and perks aimed at dealing enhanced damage to armored adversaries would regain their sense of significance and utility, rather than feeling wasteful against the majority of enemies.

The underlying math is fundamentally flawed. Damage reduction ought to exhibit diminishing returns rather than an exponential ascent. The problem is exacerbated by percentage-based increments like the 15% from Barricade.

The current system does incorporate damage reduction, albeit not to a sufficient extent. The problem emerges due to the additive nature of the damage reduction stat. When your armor is already high, the additive effect results in an exponential increase. For instance, progressing from 88% to 99% reduction isn’t just a 1% cut to physical damage – it represents a 50% reduction.

In essence, the core issue lies in the additive nature of the mechanic, leading to a disproportionate increase in effectiveness as armor values rise.

This can lead directly to winning or losing the game, and ultimately Dark and Darker Gold‘s rewards can be disappointing to the player. Frustrated by losing the game.

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