EA FC 24: The Dismal State of Pack Luck – A Frustrated Perspective

In the current iteration of EA FC 24, a prevailing sentiment echoes through the gaming community: pack luck appears to be plumbing the depths of despair, leaving players with an abundance of 84s and 83s but scant offerings in terms of valuable promos. The pervasive dissatisfaction raises the question: Is this the nadir of pack luck in the game’s storied history?

The disillusionment stems from a perceived dearth of rewarding pulls, with players lamenting the absence of enticing promos in their packs. For some, the thrill of opening packs and uncovering decent players has become a futile pursuit, as the promised variety seems to be lacking. The sentiment is encapsulated by a plea for the occasional bone to be thrown, injecting a modicum of excitement into an otherwise lackluster experience.

The dichotomy between pack luck and player progression exacerbates the frustration. Despite the availability of well-priced Squad Building Challenges (SBCs) that reward icons and heroes, even casual players find themselves with limited avenues for improvement. The speaker outlines their current midfield and defensive lineup, featuring Bernardo Silva, De Jong, Tchouameni, Bacha, Lahn, Blanc, VVD, and Schmeichel. While acknowledging the rewarding nature of packs in terms of quantity, the perceived unattainability of desirable players or improvements adds to the overall discontent.

As an offline player with minimal engagement in Rivals and Weekend League due to inability to qualify, the speaker finds themselves in a predicament. The lack of fodder from these modes hampers progress towards completing high-tier SBCs like Eusebio, Gullit, or Zidane. Furthermore, the exorbitant prices of desired players like Havertz or Martinelli make them an impractical addition to the team.

The speaker laments an abyssal pack luck, bemoaning the absence of playable promo cards from hundreds of opened packs. A lone exception is Figo 90, discovered in a random daily games played reward. The recurring cycle of opening packs, obtaining fodder only suitable for recycling into SBCs, and the subsequent rinse-and-repeat pattern underscore the lack of variety and excitement in the pack-opening experience.

A critical observation is directed at the prevailing trend of untradeable rewards in objectives and SBCs, which significantly impacts the market dynamics. The inability to keep up with market inflation is attributed to the prevalence of untradeable rewards, limiting players’ flexibility to refresh their club with desirable cards. The shift towards untradeable rewards, while catering to collectors content with being below the power curve, presents a challenge for competitive players seeking the optimal squad.

In essence, the prevailing sentiment encapsulates the frustration of players caught in the SBC mid-tier loop. The quantity-over-pack-luck approach has seemingly cleaved the market into two distinct factions: those fortunate enough to acquire unpackable good players and those ensnared in the cyclical grind of mid-tier SBCs. The longing for a more balanced and rewarding pack-opening experience reverberates through the gaming community, as players grapple with the challenges posed by the current state of pack luck in EA FC 24.

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